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Mission Moldova
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 Christian Tailor Shop 

New Hope Moldova has developed a Christian Tailor Shop in a village in northern Moldova where women who are being redeemed from prostitution are trained to make high quality clothing for children using four commercial grade sewing machines. Some of the items are sold for profit and the money is used to provide salaries to these ladies and to purchase cloth to make clothing for children in orphanages as a gift from New Hope Moldova. One of the dreams was to start a second Christian Tailor Shop at one of the Transition Homes. Praise God in the October 2013 visit I was able to take $2,000 to Oleg Reutki, Director of New Hope Moldova, so that four new commercial grade sewing machines and some cloth could be purchase to start the second Christian Tailor Shop. Now two more women can be redeemed from prostitution and more children in orphanages can have some free clothes made with these machines. Thanks to those who donated money to buy these new machines!

Pastor Sid

    Mission Moldova