Mission Moldova Website- Welcome to the launch of our Mission Moldova website!
March 2014 Mission Trip - Check our News section for a re-cap of the March Moldova Mission trip
Missions in 2014- Check our Mission Opportunities page for our 2014 mission plans
Pastor Sid's October 2013 Trip - Check our Projects section for updates on Pastor Sid's mission visits
Welcome to Mission Moldova
Our mission is chartered to organize and promote Christian and humanitarian projects in the country of Moldova.
God has opened some amazing doors to give us the opportunity to be able to use ESL as a platform from which we have been able to touch the hearts of English Teachers and the hearts of their students in Moldova and in 2013 to partner with New Hope Moldova to touch the lives of young girls from two Transition Homes. Our goal in 2014 is to have a Spring Trip and also have a Fall Trip so that in future years people have an option for their schedules. In addition, we are asking God to give us to enough team members to be able to have two teams for our Spring Trip in March so that we can have a greater impact for Christ.